Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Jember - Penangkapan Wildan Yani, mantan pelajar SMK di Kecamatan Balung oleh tim Cyber Crime Mabes Polri, membuat pihak keluarga terkejut. Meski demikian, mereka yakin bahwa apa yang dilakukan Wildan bukanlah unsur kesengajaan dengan tujuan tertentu.

"Saya terkejut anak saya ditangkap. Kalau memang benar anak saya membobol situs pak SBY, saya yakin tidak ada maksud tertentu, mungkin itu hanya keisengannya yang di luar kontrol," kata ayah Wildan, Ali Zakfar kepada detikINET, Selasa (29/1/2013).

Ali Zakfar mengaku selama ini memang tidak mengetahui aktifitas anaknya di luar rumah. Namun selama ini Wildan diketahui bekerja menjaga warnet di kawasan Jember kota.

"Dia bekerja di warnet yang ada di jalan Letjend Suprapto Jember. Jadi waktunya memang lebih banyak untuk pekerjaannya itu," tambah Ali.

Pihak keluarga mengaku baru mengetahui jika Wildan ditangkap polisi setelah menerima surat perintah penangkapan dari mabes polri yang diserahkan oleh perangkat desa balung kulon kecamatan Balung.

Tidak banyak keterangan yang bisa diambil dari keluarga Wildan ini. Pasalnya Wildan dikenal sebagai pemuda pendiam dan tertutup. Selain itu sehari-harinya wildan lebih banyak berada di luar rumah mengurusi warnet hasil usaha bersama 3 orang temannya.

"Surat jika anak saya ditangkap baru diketahui sehari setelah Wildan ditangkap, penangkapan itu jam 22.00 malam," kata Ali.

Hingga saat ini, pihak keluarga Wildan belum mengetahui secara pasti nasib Wildan pasca dibawa tim cyber crime mabes polri. Mereka berharap pihak berwenang segera memberikan kabar mengenai kondisi anaknya.

"Kami berharap Wildan baik baik saja. Maka dari itu, kita butuh kabar dari Mabes Polri," pungkas Ali.


BNN Dapatkan Ekstasi Dan Ganja Di Rumah Raffi Ahmad

Ekstasi dan Ganja menjadi barang bukti saat penggerebekan di rumah Raffi Ahmad di kawasan Lebak Bulus, Minggu (27/1/2013). Badan Narkotika Nasional juga mengamankan 17 orang di rumah tersebut.
“Barbuk yang diamankan ganja 2 linting, MDMA dicampur sprite,” ungkap Deputi Penindakan Irjen Benny Mamoto saat menggelar jumpa pers di BNN, Cawang, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (27/1/2013).
Penggerebekan itu dilakukan sekitar pukul 04.30 WIB tadi pagi. Dari penggerebekan itu, BNN berhasil menangkap 17 orang, diantaranya 4 orang artis.
Selain Raffi, tiga artis tersebut dikabarkan berinisial L, I dan Z.
“13 laki-laki, empat di antaranya artis dan empat perempuan,” jelas Benny Mamoto.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


 Puisi Lucu

Andai kamu tau
Apa yang ku tau
Kuingin kau tau
Apa yang ku tau
Tapi aku tak tau
Cara membuatmu tau
Kamu tetap tak tau
Apa yang kutau
Matamu tajam bagaikan elang..
Bulu matamu lentik bagaikan koala..
Kulitmu halus bagaikan kijang..
Dan yang paling buat aku suka kamu...
Tubuhmu wangi laksana pindang...
Jangan jalan di depanku… aku gak keliatan
Jangan jalan di belakangku… aku bukan bodyguardmu !
Jangan jalan di sampingku… karena disampingku ada selokan....
Saat hatimu terasa pedih
dan air mata tak dapat lagi kau bendung
maka tumpahkanlah air matamu itu
aku akan selalu menemanimu
selalu ada di sampingmu
untuk menyeka air matamu
karena aku…
jual TISSUE…
TIssue..Tissue… 2000 tiga bungkus!!
Mw g? hehe…
Kamu itu :
1. Istimewa
2. Baik
3. Ramah
4. lucu
5. Pintar
6. Supel
7. Mengagumkan dan aku simpatik sama kamu.
Begitu kata teman²ku tentang AKU…
Bukan tentang KAMU!!!


Nur Hidayatullah, drh
Jl. H.M. Suwignyo Gang Wajo B8, Sungai Jawi, Pontianak Kota
Handphone: 081802718750

Friday, January 18, 2013


an Pieterszoon Coen memimpikan duplikat Amsterdam di Belanda ketika meminta Simon Stevin merancang sebuah kota di muara Sungai Ciliwung yang sering kebanjiran pada 1619. Kota yang dibangun di atas reruntuhan Jayakarta itu dikelilingi parit-parit, tembok kota, lengkap dengan kanal.

Dengan kanal-kanal itu, Coen berharap bisa mengatasi banjir, sekaligus menciptakan sebuah kota yang menjadi lalu lintas pelayaran, sebagaimana kota-kota di Belanda. Sungai Ciliwung yang berkelok-kelok dialihkan dan digantikan sebuah terusan lurus, Kali Besar, memotong kota menjadi dua bagian.

Namun, impian Coen hanya bertahan singkat. Kota Batavia, yang dibangun Coen, memang sempat dijuluki ”Venesia dari Timur”. Namun, tak lama kemudian, pertumbuhan kota tak terkendali, rumah-rumah yang ada sempit dan berimpit. Endapan lumpur yang memampetkan terusan berbau busuk dan menjadi sarang malaria.

Riwayat banjir

Banjir ternyata tak terbendung. Hanya tiga tahun sejak dibangun, tahun 1621, Batavia kebanjiran. Banjir juga terjadi pada 1654 dan sejak itu terus membesar. Kota yang dirancang Coen ini perlahan ditinggalkan.

Menurut catatan Restu Gunawan, sejarawan yang meneliti riwayat banjir Jakarta sejak zaman kolonial hingga sekarang, pada akhir abad ke-18, terjadi perpindahan besar-besaran penduduk Batavia ke daerah yang lebih tinggi dan sehat di selatan, yaitu Weltevreden.

Weltevreden yang semula hutan dan rawa-rawa lantas berkembang pesat. Apalagi 1807, Herman Willem Daendels membangun pusat pemerintahan ibu kota koloni Belanda di Asia di Weltevreden. Awalnya, Daendels hendak membangun pusat pemerintahan di Semarang atau Surabaya. Karena alasan biaya, dia membangun di Weltevreden. Pada 1830, ibu kota Hindia Belanda resmi pindah ke Weltevreden, sekitar Lapangan Banteng saat ini.

Daerah ibu kota itu kemudian berkembang pesat. Namun, banjir tak beranjak pergi. Menurut Restu, 1 Januari 1892, Weltevreden kebanjiran. Seperti ditulis koran Siang Po, banjir terjadi setelah turun hujan lebat selama delapan jam. Curah hujan yang tercatat di Batavia saat itu 286 milimeter. Sebagai catatan, ketinggian curah hujan saat itu jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan curah hujan rata-rata selama dua hari terakhir, 40-100 mm, yang menyebabkan banjir besar di Jakarta. Artinya, faktor perubahan cuaca boleh diabaikan sebagai penyebab banjir Jakarta.

Setahun kemudian, banjir lebih besar melanda. Hampir seluruh kota terendam. Kampung Pluit Belakang, Sawah Besar, Kandang Sapi, Pasayuran, Kebon Jeruk, Kemayoran Wetan, dan Sumur Batu terendam air hingga 1 meter. Banjir memicu wabah kolera sehingga banyak warga meninggal.

Restu juga mencatat, Batavia kembali kebanjiran pada 1895, 1899, 1904, dan 1909. Pemerintah kolonial dinilai gagal mengatasi banjir. Pada 19 Februari 1909, koran de Locomotief menulis berita berjudul ”Batavia Onder Water”, pelesetan dari singkatan BOW (Burgelijke den Openbare Werken), kantor yang menangani sarana dan prasarana pemerintah, termasuk pengairan.

Sejak itu, banjir di Batavia terus meluas seiring pembengkakan jumlah penduduk. Januari 1918, Batavia dilanda banjir hebat sehingga melumpuhkan aktivitas kota selama sebulan. ”Belanda coba mengatasi banjir dengan membangun kanal dan pintu air,” kata Restu.

Peninggalan itu, antara lain, Kanal Banjir Kalimalang, pintu air Matraman, dan pintu air Karet. Kanal Banjir Kalimalang, menurut Restu, bisa menyelamatkan kawasan Menteng dan sekitarnya yang dihuni kalangan elite Belanda dari banjir tahun 1923. Namun, permukiman pribumi di Batavia tetap banjir.

Sistem kanal tidak bisa mengatasi banjir besar yang melanda Batavia pada 1932 dan 1933. ”Kanal itu dibangun bukan untuk menyelesaikan seluruh banjir Jakarta, hanya beberapa kawasan saja, karena air pasti meluber ke daerah lain yang lebih rendah,” kata Restu.

Dari dulu, kanal tidak memberi jaminan, apalagi Kanal Barat yang dirancang Herman van Broeen tahun 1923 dan baru dibuat pada 1973. Proyek itu sudah ketinggalan 50 tahun. Adapun Kanal Timur dibangun pada 2006. ”Sistem Kanal Banjir Kalimalang yang dibuat ketika penduduk Jakarta masih di bawah 800.000 orang saja tidak bisa mengatasi banjir. Anehnya, kita sekarang masih mengandalkan kanal, bahkan mau membangun deep tunnel,” ungkapnya.

Restu mengatakan, kegagalan sistem kanal yang dirintis Belanda karena topografi Jakarta yang datar dan tingginya tingkat sedimentasi.

Cekungan banjir

Ahli geologi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jan Sopaheluwakan, mengatakan, banjir Jakarta tak akan bisa diselesaikan dengan sistem kanal karena geologis Jakarta sebenarnya cekungan banjir. Sebaliknya, kawasan utara sekitar Ancol dan Teluk Jakarta mengalami pengangkatan karena proses tektonik. Akibatnya, air dari 13 sungai yang bermuara di Teluk Jakarta tidak bisa mengalir lancar ke laut dan kerap terjebak di cekungan besar Jakarta.

”Itu sebabnya, Teluk Jakarta tidak bisa membentuk delta, seperti Delta Mahakam di Kalimantan. Endapan kasar yang dibawa sungai-sungai mengendap di cekungan Jakarta sehingga tidak sampai ke laut dan membentuk delta,” katanya.

Teluk Jakarta, menurut Sopaheluwakan, adalah tinggian lokal, sementara dari Pantai Teluk ke arah darat (ke selatan) adalah kawasan rendahannya. Dataran rendahan (cekungan) ini dibatasi tinggian Ciputat. Jadi, dari barat Ciputat hingga Teluk Jakarta ibarat sebuah mangkuk raksasa. Jakarta tepat berada di tengah mangkuk itu sehingga secara geomorfologi disebut ”dataran banjir Jakarta”.

Cekungan Jakarta, menurut Sopaheluwakan, terbentuk dari tanah sedimen muda sangat tebal tetapi belum terkonsolidasi. Akibatnya, secara geologis, tanah di Jakarta perlahan turun. Penurunan tanah di Jakarta diperparah pengambilan air tanah secara besar-besaran. ”Penurunan tanah di Jakarta bervariasi di beberapa tempat, 4-20 sentimeter per tahun,” katanya.

Kondisi tanah yang secara geologis merupakan cekungan menyebabkan pada masa lalu sebagian kawasan Jakarta berupa rawa-rawa yang dikepung sungai-sungai. Sebagian dataran yang kering pada musim kemarau menjadi daerah parkir air waktu banjir. ”Di masa kolonial, daerah luapan banjir dinyatakan sebagai daerah parkir air dan dinyatakan sebagai daerah pertanian dan kawasan hijau. Pemanfaatannya untuk kawasan terbangun maksimal 5 persen dari luas tanah,” kata Restu.

Sejak 1960-an, kawasan parkir air diuruk. Sebagai contoh, kawasan Tebet yang sebenarnya adalah luapan banjir Sungai Ciliwung, kawasan Mampang yang merupakan luapan banjir Sungai Krukut, dan Kebayoran Lama yang merupakan luapan banjir Sungai Grogol.

Ancaman banjir di Jakarta bertambah parah seiring perubahan kawasan dataran tinggi yang mengelilingi cekungan menjadi pusat permukiman baru. Waduk-waduk dan rawa-rawa yang banyak di pinggiran Jakarta kini dikeringkan dan dijadikan hunian. Akibatnya, kawasan untuk resapan air justru mengirim lebih banyak air permukaan ke Jakarta.

Sopaheluwakan menyarankan, untuk mengurangi banjir Jakarta, kota ini harus menambah kawasan resapan dan mengembalikan fungsi tempat parkir air. ”Gambir ke selatan harus ada lebih banyak ruang terbuka hijau dan situ-situ untuk menyerap air. Ini dimungkinkan dengan merevisi total tata ruang yang ada. Lahan terbuka diperbanyak dan pembangunan dilakukan ke atas,” katanya.

Kawasan penyangga juga harus dihijaukan kembali. Tidak boleh lagi menghabisi lahan di Tangerang, Bogor, dan sekitarnya untuk hunian.

Sejarah mencatat banjir sudah mengakrabi Jakarta sejak awal pendirian kota ini. Yang jadi masalah, warga kota tidak beradaptasi dengan banjir dan masih bermimpi menyelesaikan banjir ”hanya” dengan kanal-kanal dan deep tunnel. ”Jika takut banjir, jangan bangun rumah di bantaran sungai atau bekas situ. Boleh saja bangun rumah di sana, tetapi berbentuk rumah panggung atau rumah terapung, seperti di Sumatera dan Kalimantan,” kata Restu.
Sumber :
Kompas Cetak
Editor :

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Breaking Dawn part 2 movie quites

After eighteen years of being utterly ordinary, I finally found that I could shine.
My time as a human was over. But I never felt more alive, I was born to be a vampire. Everything was falling into place even The Volturi seem to except my new status. It seems to be one enemy left, time. Renesmee was growing to fast. We all worried about how long we would have with her. It just made every moment more precious.
(About Renesmee) She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day.
[To Edward] It's strange, physically I feel like I can demolish a tank and mentally I just feel...drained.
[To Edward] I do remember how to undress myself.
[To Edward] Did you see that? Thank you.
[To Edward] I think it's perfect.
[To Edward] Vampire's don't sleep.
[To Edward] I was born to be a vampire.
[To Renesmee] I'll never let anybody hurt you.
[To Jacob] I would keep my distance for now.
[To Edward, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle and Jacob] Okay, I got it. Move around, blink, slouch.
[To Edward] Renesmee?
[To Edward] Where is she? I have to see her!
[To Edward] I have to get out of here!
[To Jacob] You're still here!
[To Jacob] Since when do you care about Renesmee?
[To Jacob] Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about... Jake, you really do stink!
[To Jacob] Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!
[To Seth] Seth, I am sorry!
[To Irina] Irina!
[To Renesmee] I think that's our cousin from Denali.
[To Renesmee] It's beautiful. Why'd you go and get another one.
[To Renesmee] Honey, come here.
[To Edward] Take Renesmee out of the room. Edward don't touch me right now, I don't want to hurt you.
[To Jacob] You imprinted on my daughter! She's a baby!
[To Jacob] I've held her once! One time Jacob, and already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim on her!? (Punching Jacob) She's mine!
[To Carlisle and Emmett] Is that Charlie?
[To Carlisle] Can I see that?
[To Charlie] Hi dad. (her dad ask her) never better. Happy as a worst
[To Charlie] I really think it wouldn't be better.
[To Charlie] I can't tell you.
[To Charlie] You do. But if you need one, I can't stay here.
[To Charlie] Dad, you have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm alright. Can you live with that?
[To Charlie] Can you please just believe that I can tell you anything that you need to know.
[To Charlie] No. no, really you don't
[To Charlie] And then you won't. I promise.
[To Charlie] I miss you dad.
[To Bella] I didn't expect you to seem so... you.
[To Bella] But Dracula one and two are... creepy.
[To Bella] (About the vampires) A lot of red eyes around here.
[To Bella] Except for the creepy eyes.
[To Bella] I think it is safer for the baby to see how you do with me first.
[To Bella] Alright, take a whiff.
[To Bella] It's a wolf thing...
[To Edward and Bella] You guys... really look great together.
[To Edward] Renesmee catches snowflakes.
[To Edward] The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires.
[To Bella] Alright, (taking Renesmee from Bella) well that's enough experimenting for one day.
[To Edward] So should I start calling you dad?
[To Bella] (About Renesmee) Blondie stole her.
[To Bella] for a cartoon character.
[To everyone] So you can't explain that to the Volturi?
[To everyone] Let's take some road.
[To Edward] So we fight.
[To the new members of the pack] Now, you guys can do some serious damage. Which is why you'll need to control your phasing. If your mom pisses you off, you don't wanna tear her head off.
[To Bella] So beautiful... we're the same temperature now.
[About Renesmee] She's my daughter.
The Volturi think Renesmee is an immortal child.
[To Bella] How about a bath?
[To Bella] I've had a bad habit of underestimating you, every obstacle you've faced, I'd think you couldn't overcome it. But you just did, you're the only reason I have something to fight for. My family.
[To Bella] I'm going to get the water running.
[To Bella] What Irina sees in the woods?
[To the Denali Coven] My family's in danger/ I need your help.
[To Bella] Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like your breathing.
[To Bella] Bella, you're stronger than I am right now. It's your turn not to break me.
[To Bella] She's incredible...
[To Bella] Wait, you need to get your thirst under control. You need to hunt.
[To Bella] Close your eyes. What do you hear?
[To Bella] Bella, don't!
[To Bella] Bella, stop! I'm sorry I didn't realize there'd be people this far from the trails.
[To Bella] Okay, I can help you... or not.
[To Bella] I'm amazed you ran away from human blood mid-hunt. Even mature vampires have problems with that.
[To Bella] Want to come meet our daughter?
[To Emmett] Emmett, don't antagonize her, she's the strongest one in the house.
[To Emmett] Don't hurt yourself, Emmett.
[To Bella] He's been calling twice a day.
[To Charlie] Our daughter.
[To Everyone] Aro has enough proof in Irina's thought.
[To Jacob] I'm glad she likes you
[To Bella] Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember that you’re not confessing to a murder here
[To Bella] Who's that?
[To Bella] Look a snowflake.
[To Aro] Hello, Aro.
[To Bella] Mom, is it true? did aunt Alice and uncle Jasper runaway because we're gonna die?
[To Everyone] The Volturi, they're coming for us.
[To Everyone] Aro, Caius, Marcus, The Guard and Irina
[To her family] Alec is even worse
[To Bella] They'll irritate your eyes at first.
[To Bella] And blink at least three times a minute... Good!
[To Aro] You will not change your mind, even after you see the truth!
[To Aro] I have evidence that the child won't be risk to our kind, let me show you.
[To Bella and Edward] Have fun!
[To Bella] You'll love this one
[To Bella and Edward] Go inside!
[To Volturi] I've been searching for witnesses of my own, among the Ticuna tribes of Brasil
[To Cullens] Now!
[To Aro, after he saw the vision] Now you know, that's your future, unless you decide on another coursee
[To Bella and Edward] Welcome home! We thought you guys might like a place of your own.
[To Bella] Happy Birthday!
[To her family] Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come.
[To Aro] It doesn't matter what i've showed you, even when you see it, you still won't change your desicion. 
[To Bella] Main thing is not to move too fast.
[To Caius] Let her go!
[To Bella] Surprise!
[To Bella] Try taking a seat and crossing your legs.
[To Edward] Stop her, Edward!
[To Bella] And don't sit so straight; humans don't do that.
[To Jacob] Oh, do tell her, Jacob.
[To Bella] My turn. (getting Renesmee from Bella)
[To Bella] Well done, Bella. I have never seen a newborn show that much restraint.
[To Bella and Emmett] Ugh. Count on three. One, two, three.
It’s just been my experience that some kinds of working relationships are better motivated by fear than by monetary gain.
[To Bella] I'm not even sure if she is really a newborn. She seems so... tame.
[To Bella] Did you break anything?
This should be good.
[To Bella] Ugh, please!
[To Edward] They're coming to kill us, Not to talk.
[To Bella and Edward] Wow, done already?
[To Aro] I have to report a crime. The Cullens, they've done something terrible.
[To the Volturi] The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake.
[To Cullens] I'm sorry.' (she whispered it)
[To Irina] Oh, my.
(About the laws) Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative.
[To the Cullens] We will not fight today!
[To the guard, who holds Alice] Take her away!
[To Bella] Young Bella... immortality becomes you.
[To Renesmee] Magnifico.
[To everyone] Only the known is safe.
[To Caius] Half mortal and half immortal.
[To Caius] Do you think they fooled me, brother?
[To Bella] Such a prize!
[To Toshiro] My dear Toshiro.
[To Alec] Alec!
[To the Cullens] We'll join you.
[To the Cullens] I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden.
[To Amun] I will do the right thing Amun.
[To the Cullens] We will stand with you.
[To Carlisle] I can't help you, Carlisle.
[To Bella] You have a very powerful gift.
[About Renesmee's warmth] …I can feel it…
[To Denali Coven] (About Renesmee) She's not immortal.
[To Edward] This is a crime.
[To Zafrina] Give me my sight back.
[To Kate] If we survive this, I'll follow you anywhere woman.
[To Kate] You are an amazing woman.
The red coats are coming. The red coats are coming.
[To the Cullens] This won’t be the first time I’ve fought to keep myself from a king’s rule. Here’s to freedom from oppression.
I have witnessed the bonds within this family – I say family and not coven. These strange golden-eyed ones deny their very natures. But in return have they found something worth even more, perhaps, than mere gratification of desire?
[To the Cullens]I came to witness. I stay to fight.
[To the Denalis] The Volturi will come for all of us!
[To Garrett] Now you tell me?
No one does rebellion like the Irish.
[To The Cullens] So will we.
[To the Cullens' witnesses] You are all fools. The Volturi will never forgive what happened here.
We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack!
(To Carlisle) We do not care what you did, Carlisle.
We have waited fifteen hundred years to return the favor.
[To Edward] Pain.
Bella and Edward in their new cottageEdit
[Alice uncovers Bella's eyes]
Alice: Welcome home! We thought you guys might like a place of your own.
Edward [to Bella]: What do you think?
Bella: I think it's perfect.
Alice: Go inside.
[Alice chuckles]
Alice [to Bella and Edward]: Have fun!
[Bella and Edward enter the cottage and walk to their room]
Edward: This is our room.
Bella: Vampires don't sleep.
Edward: It's not intended for sleeping.

"Who's with me?"Edit
Edward [to everyone]: Their goal isn't punishment. It's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will, for the sake of my family, but also for yours. And for the way that you want to live.
Jacob: The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires.
[Bella gets up and frowns]
Tanya: We will fight.
Garrett: This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule.
Benjamin: We'll join you.
Senna: We will stand with you.
Siobhan: So will we.
Vladimir [to Stefan]: That didn't take much.
Edward: Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Alistair [to Carlisle]: We'll see.

Bella receives lessons on being humanEdit
[Alice places brown contacts onto Bella's eyes]
Alice [to Bella]: These will irritate your eyes at first.
Carlisle [to Bella]: The main thing is not to move too fast.
Esme [to Bella]: Try taking a seat and crossing your legs.
[Bella stands up and dashes to the other end of the room, causing the chair to bump into the wall. She crosses her legs calmly]
Esme: Maybe a tad slower.
Alice: And blink at least three times a minute.
[Bella blinks quickly]
Alice: Good.
Jacob: For a cartoon character.
Carlisle [to Bella]: Hold your breath. It will help with the thirst.
Edward [to Bella]: Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing.
[Esme, Carlisle, and Alice demonstrate breathing; Bella holds her breath]
Rosalie [to Bella]: And don't sit so straight. Humans don't do that.
[Bella slouches and then stands up]
Bella [to everyone]: Okay. I got it. Move around, blink, slouch.

Bella wakes up from her transformationEdit
[Bella's eyes turn red and she looks around; she can see everything from dust particles to single drops of water to fibers in books; she sees Edward; he extends his hand out to her; Bella looks at her own hand; Edward and Bella embrace]
Edward: You're so beautiful... We're the same temperature now.
[Bella and Edward look at their reflections in a mirror; Bella turns around and roughly pulls Edward into a hug]
Edward: Hey, Bella? You're a lot stronger than I am right now.
[Bella lets Edward go]
Edward: It's your turn not to break me.
[Bella grabs Edward tightly]
Bella: I love you.
Edward: I love you.
[They kiss]
Bella: ...Renesmee.
Edward: She's incredible.
Bella: Where is she? I have to see her.
Edward: You need to get your thirst under control. You need to hunt.

Bella and Edward return from their huntEdit
Edward [to Bella]: Well, I'm amazed. You ran away from human blood mid-hunt. Even mature vampires have problems with that.
[Edward and Bella approach the Cullen house; Jacob exits the house and meets them outside]
Bella [to Jacob]: You're still here.
JacobSo are you. I didn't expect you to seem so... you. Except for the creepy eyes.
[Jacob continues to approach Bella and Edward]
Bella [to Jacob]: I would keep my distance for now.
JacobIt's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first.
BellaSince when do you care about Renesmee?
[Jacob and Edward glance at each other]
Jacob [to Bella]: Alright. Take a whiff.
[Bella gets closer to Jacob and inhales]
Bella: Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink!
[Jacob and Edward laugh; Edward puts his hand at Bella's waist]
Jacob: You guys really look great together.
Edward [to Bella]: Wanna come meet our daughter?
[Jacob runs into the house]

Bella discovers Jacob imprinted on RenesmeeEdit
[Bella and Edward enter the Cullen house; everybody is gathered around Renesmee]
Esme [to Bella]: Welcome to the family.
Alice: You look amazing, Bella.
Carlisle: Someone's been waiting to meet you.
Edward: Rose.
[Rosalie turns around and Bella sees Renesmee for the first time; Bella holds Renesmee and is shown Renesmee's first memories of her; Renesmee pulls her hand away]
BellaWhat was that?
Edward [to Bella]: She showed you the first memory she has of you.
Bella: Showed me how?
Edward: How do I read thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted.
Bella: I've only been out for two days.
Carlisle: Her growth rate is unprecedented.
Jacob: Alright. That's enough experimenting for one day.
[Jacob reaches for Renesmee]
Edward: Jacob, she's doing great.
Jacob: Yeah. Let's not push it, though.
Bella [to Jacob]: What's your problem?
Rosalie: Do tell her, Jacob.
Emmett: This should be good.
Edward: Hold on a second... Bella.
[Bella hands Renesmee to Edward]
Jacob [to Bella]: Look. It's a wolf thing.
Bella: What's a wolf thing?
[Rosalie backs away]
Jacob [to Bella]: Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with, and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise.
Bella [to Edward]: Take Renesmee out of the room.
Jacob: Oh.
Bella: Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you.
Jacob: Oh.
[Bella grabs Jacob and drags him out of the house; she throws him down into the grass]
Bella: You imprinted on my daughter?
Jacob: It wasn't my choice.
Bella: She's a baby!
Jacob: It's not like that! You think Edward would let me live if it was?
Edward: I'm still debating.
Bella: I've held her once. One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have moronic, wolfy claim on her? She's mine!
[Bella hits Jacob to the ground; Edward looks delighted; Leah and Seth appear in wolf form]
Jacob: It's fine, Leah.
Bella [to Jacob]: You're gonna stay away from her.
Jacob: You know I can't do that.
[Bella punches Jacob to the ground again; Leah and Seth growl]
Esme: Stop her, Edward.
Edward: He said it's fine! She's amazing, right?
Jacob [to Bella]: Do you remember how much you wanted me to be around you three days ago? That's gone now, right?
Bella: Long gone.
Jacob: Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there.
Bella: "Nessie"? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster!?
[Seth leaps at Bella; Bella flings him into a tree; he gets hurt]
Jacob: Seth, are you okay?
[Seth whimpers]
Bella: Seth, I'm sorry.
[Seth gets up]
Jacob [to Seth]: You'll be alright.
[Jacob turns to Bella]
Jacob: Bella, you know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness -- Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look. Nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason.

Jacob phases in front of CharlieEdit
[Jacob drives his motorcycle to Charlie's house; Charlie is in his backyard, chopping wood; Jacob approaches him]
Charlie: Hey. You heard anything?
Jacob: Charlie, Bella's... uh... 
Charlie: No, she's not.
Jacob: No, no, no. I mean, she's -- she's fine. She's back home and she's feeling better.
Charlie: Why didn't you say so? That's great.
[Charlie starts to walk away from Jacob]
Jacob: Wait. There's something you need to see first.
Charlie: I need to see Bella.
Jacob: Look. In order for Bella to get better, she had to... change.
Charlie: What do you mean "change"?
Jacob: Here goes nothing.
[Jacob takes off his jacket]
Charlie: What the hell are you doing?
[Jacob starts taking off his shirt]
Jacob: You don't live in the same world you think you are, Charlie.
Charlie: Jacob, put your clothes on.
[Jacob takes off his shoes]
Jacob: Now, this may seem strange - really strange - but... stranger things happen everyday.
[Jacob unbuttons and tugs down his pants]
Jacob: Trust me.
[Jacob's pants and underwear drop to his ankles; Jacob phases into a wolf; Charlie jumps back; Jacob approaches Charlie]